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Memphis 3.0 Basics
Learn more about the basics of the Memphis 3.0 Comprehensive Plan. Use the navigation arrows on the left and right or on the bottom of this section to scroll through different topics.
Memphis 3.0 How-To Guide
The Memphis 3.0 How-To Guide contains the main topics of the comprehensive plan, explained in a brief manner. It allows you to learn more about how the plan works, the framework, and overall goals in a shorter, easier to understand format. Click below to download or print the guide.
Memphis 3.0 FAQs
Below are some of the frequently asked questions regarding the Memphis 3.0 Comprehensive Plan. Use the arrow tabs to scroll and explore questions in four different categories.
1. What is the Memphis 3.0 Comprehensive Plan? As the first comprehensive plan in decades, Memphis 3.0 is more than just a document—it's a roadmap for our future. It envisions our city as one that thrives on sustainable development, enhanced connectivity, and equitable opportunities. From revitalizing our neighborhoods to reimagining our transportation systems, Memphis 3.0 sets the stage for a stronger, more sustainable future for every Memphian- building up, not out.
2. What is the purpose of Memphis 3.0? In addition to being a “roadmap” for city development, it leads to wise investments, great neighborhoods, a shared vision for the future, smart use of land, transportation options, enhanced quality of life, and strong connections between places and people. In other words, the purpose of Memphis 3.0 is to create a future in which Memphis is stronger, healthier, more efficient, and sustainable. The comprehensive plan is essential to establish an ambitious vision of the future but ensure clarity and predictability in growth and development patterns and how the city invests.
3. Why should I care about Memphis 3.0? Change in a city is inevitable, but we can control our own future with Memphis 3.0. It will be the guide for Memphis into a new century and for decades to come. Memphis is better, stronger, and more equitable when its full diversity is involved in the development, evaluation, and implementation of this plan and its recommendations. We need Memphians to decide who they want their city to be and how they want it to grow. Decisions you will help make will determine if our community is walkable, if children have safe places to play, if people have places to gather, and if businesses can be created within easy access.
4. Why is it called Memphis 3.0? In May 2019, Memphis celebrated the 200th anniversary of its founding, so Memphis 3.0 signifies that our city will be entering its third century, or 100-year period, and this updated planning process gives us a chance to do it with a shared vision and common goals to create a city of opportunity for all.
5. How was the Memphis 3.0 Comprehensive Plan created? The initial planning period for Memphis 3.0, led by the Office of Comprehensive Planning, took place for two years between 2016 – 2018 and involved over 15,000 Memphians in the community input process. The Memphis 3.0 Comprehensive Plan was adopted by the Memphis & Shelby County Land Use Control Board and the Memphis City Council in 2019.
6. How can I stay informed about the Memphis 3.0 Comprehensive Plan? Follow us on social media, visit our website, sign up for the newsletter, there are so many ways to interact with the Memphis 3.0 Update process. We want to hear from you!
Memphis 3.0 Five-Year Update

Accelerate Memphis
Accelerate Memphis, an implementation tool of Memphis 3.0, is a historic $200 million public investment initiative created to facilitate catalytic community projects in neighborhoods experiencing historic disinvestment and underrepresentation. $75 million is allocated directly to projects identified in Memphis 3.0.
About Us
Comprehensive Planning coordinates long-range planning activities for the City of Memphis. Its primary function was the completion of Memphis 3.0, the City’s comprehensive plan to guide land use, development, transportation, and other built environment considerations over the next 20 years. The comprehensive plan is essential to establish an ambitious vision of the future but ensure clarity and predictability in growth and development patterns and how the city invests. The Memphis 3.0 comprehensive plan was adopted by the Memphis & Shelby County Land Use Control Board and the Memphis City Council in 2019. Ongoing Comprehensive Planning activities include promoting and facilitating community engagement, supporting high quality community design, comprehensive plan implementation and compliance, small area planning, neighborhood data resource management, and development of special projects. Comprehensive Planning is a department of the Memphis & Shelby County Division of Planning and Development.
Memphis and Shelby County Division of Planning & Development
Comprehensive Planning Department
125 N Main Street, Ste 468